I'm getting excited about Anacampseros again :D
Seeing the seedlings grow and some of the adults with first signs of flower stalks is more than enough to rekindle the fascination. Growing Anacampseros is very new to me and there's a lot to observe and note to myself.
First, please let me brag about my 2014 and 2015 seedlings, grown from own seeds, for just one moment. Both sets of seedlings have recently started looking like adults and it's just such a joy for me!
The fuzzy An. filamentosa ssp namaquensis are probably the closest I'm gonna get to owning a cat.
An. vanthielii have finally grown enough leaves to form neat rosettes. They will be quite large when they grow up.
Back to the observations, I've noticed an interesting growth pattern on a couple of my older and bigger plants. This An. vanthielii (mother to the above seedlings), for example, seems to abandon (or replace?) the tops of the stems while growing lots of new branches "from below" near the root.
The below An. telephiastrum are doing the same. It's a forest of new growth near the roots while the tops barely grow any new leaves. Although they do seem to re-use the tops for growing flower stalks.
This growing pattern seems strange to me but it is also very welcome. I'd greatly prefer it to the tendency of growing in hight while dropping leaves down below (looks like An. arachnoides enjoy doing that, from what I see). This results in ugly sticks and necessity of cutting and re-rooting. Or in going horizontally overboard. I really don't have room for that. So do your thing, little guys, I support you.
In other news - flower stalks! I see several around. It's pretty exciting :)
This An. lanceolata (An33 in atomic-plant catalog) is ahead of all others. Unfortunately I missed the fully open flower yesterday. Still sad about that. Stupid.
Other flower stalks are just starting to show.
Anacamoseros sp.
Also, the seedlings sown in February are still alive. Actually, I won't stop worrying about them until they grow first "real" leaves.
Some are already quite fluffy.
An. telephiastrum
Some even show a glimpse of first true leaves.
An. rufescens
An. filamentosa ssp. filamentosa (An150)
Other appear fine but are kinda stuck. I'll keep worrying about them until I see some action. Maybe it's the recent heat or maybe they're just too young. Time will tell.
An. filamentosa ssp. tomentosa (An156)
An. rufescens 'Sunrise'
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